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Marketing & Finances

Improve Sales Leads and Increase Revenue

With the shift to digital communications and virtual work, sales staffers are now highly dependent on marketing to provide substantial qualified leads and the collateral to follow up on leads. Operational challenges between sales and marketing can be solved.

According to a HubSpot study, companies see a 36 percent higher customer retention and 38 percent higher sales win rates when sales and marketing work together and those with good marketing practices saw 208 percent more in revenue.

Using AI and Automation to Improve Quality Customer Leads

In today’s modern digital operating model, indications of interest can be captured in every interaction channel, automatically scored and routed immediately. Leads can even be enriched in near real-time with third-party information or matched to segments with predictive product and service offerings. Predictive insights and next best conversation topics may be assigned by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure sales representatives are fully aware of who they are engaging, what their the customer’s situation is and how the company can help them, before the sales team reaches out to the interested party.

Alignment between Marketing and Sales at the operational, systems and data levels is essential to revenue generation and low Cost of Acquisition (CAC). Chief marketing officers and chief revenue officers must integrate Sales and Marketing at the operational and systems level to:

  • Drive higher lead volumes
  • Better qualify leads
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Justify marketing spend
  • Reduce marketing and sales labor cost
  • Organize sales enablement resources
  • Increase transparency to optimize sales funnel to create better content for lead generation

Implement Cloud-based Solutions to Align Teams and Increase Revenue

At CapabilitySource, we understand how to align Marketing and Sales. We understand the roles each department plays in revenue generation. We have implemented modern, cloud-based technologies to eliminate handoffs, reduce cost, improve lead quality and fully support virtual staffing models.

CapabilitySource Sales and Marketing alignments have increased lead volumes by up to 18 percent and increased revenue by up to $6 million. We understand how cloud-based digital technologies may be used to align Marketing and Sales and we are experts in designing, implementing and supporting Marketing and Sales alignment solutions.

Let us help you streamline and integrate Marketing and Sales with targeted improvements, including:

  • Sales and Marketing Technology Evaluation, Prototyping, Implementation and Support
  • Sales and Marketing Opportunity System Integration
  • Lead Capture, Identity Matching, Lead Scoring and Routing Automation
  • Real-Time Lead Enrichment Design and Implementation
  • Management Systems Design and Implementation
  • Integrated Sales and Marketing Dashboard and Performance Reporting

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